Still Starving Bible Reading Day 7: Psalm 136

The “Great Hallel

Psalms 135 and 136 are “Thanksgiving Psalms” and are believed to be written by Ezra and used for worship in the second rebuilt temple (although the writer of both is Biblically anonymous). Psalm 135 is a construction of other Psalms. These two Psalms close out the songs of Ascent and openly serve as the introductory Psalms for the rest of the book devoted to praise. Psalm 136, together with Psalm 135, were sung every Sabbath morning and on Passover evening by Jewish worshipers. They are named the “Great Hallel.” Many believed these Psalms were written when they moved the Ark from David's tent to the temple (2 Chronicles 7:10).

Psalm 136 can be divided into four sections:

  1. The Lord of goodness (1-3)

  2. The Lord of creation (4-9)

  3. The Lord of conquest (10-25)

  4. The Lord of heaven and earth (26)

Purpose: To show us how to pray as we enter the temple, remembering always from where God has redeemed us, reminding ourselves over and over again of His steadfast love.